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Welcome tot the SILFO-schools in the Brainport region. This webpage is currently under construction. We regularly update the site with new information.

SILFO International

Welcome to the website of SILFO, the educational foundation where we believe in the power of tailor-made solutions and inclusiveness. Our years of experience in guiding and supporting internationals in education has allowed us to become an expert in the Brainport region.

A strong focus on tailor-made solutions, respect and personal attention connects our schools. At SILFO, we work together with parents/guardians and student, based on a thorough intake, to determine which school suits your child best. We ensure that every child gets the right start.

Would you like to know more about our approach and the options we offer? Please visit the websites of our schools and discover how SILFO contributes to the development of every child in the Brainport region. We look forward to meeting you and your child!

SILFO offers a wide range of opportunities for children and teenagers with diverse backgrounds and needs. Whether your child will follow education in the Netherlands for a short or longer period of time, speaks Dutch or not, we can offer a suitable route at one of our schools.

In the Netherlands, we divide primary education (PO, from 4 to 12 years old) and secondary education (VO, from 11 to 18 years old). Secondary education (VO) is divided into levels: VMBO, MAVO, HAVO, VWO. See education system for more information. Primary and secondary education are represented within SILFO and at our SILFO schools we can provide pupils with tailor-made support.

Primary education (PO, aged 4 to 12)

ISE Primary International

If a student belongs to the group of expats and is staying in the Netherlands for a short time, registration and intake takes place through the Primary International Department of the International School Eindhoven (ISE).

ISE Primary Dutch Bilingual

Our bilingual primary school welcomes internationals who stay in the Netherlands for a longer period or permanently, but also local families who are interested in bilingual education in an international learning environment. This school year we started at our cosy new location on Jan Luikenstraat in the centre of Eindhoven. Under the banner of ISE, we will continue to provide education to our students with the same vision at this beautiful location, staying connected as much as possible with the international department at the ISE campus on the Oirschotsedijk. ISE not only offers a unique campus with small classes, we are also proud of our highly qualified, internationally composed team. Our students also come not only from the Netherlands, but from many different countries and cultures. This is essential and helps (new) students quickly feel at home at our school and in their classrooms. Our aim is to help all children develop their unique talents and introduce them to other cultures, without compromising their own cultural identity. We support all children in their development into confident global citizens who can contribute positively to their own and others’ futures.

Primary school Geldrop

If you are staying in the Netherlands for a longer period of time or permanently and you live in Geldrop, you can choose either Basisschool Beneden Beekloop or Basisschool De Ganzebloem.

Beneden Beekloop
Beneden Beekloop primary school is located in Geldrop in the Skandia district, where children aged 0 to 13, regardless of their origin and/or philosophy of life, are welcome. We teach children to respect others and understand other thoughts.

Our education focuses on acquiring knowledge, on emotional and intellectual development, on developing creativity and on social, cultural and physical skills. The educational needs of children are considered and, where necessary, the teaching material is adapted.

International children are welcome at Beneden Beekloop primary school. We ensure that these children, too, receive an appropriate range of lessons so that they can develop their talents. This may mean that your child temporarily receives intensive guidance in a language class. At our school, we work closely with the Potje Knor childcare organisation to organise education and care and create a continuous line from 0 to 13 years of age.

Would you like more information about Beneden Beekloop primary school? Click here.

De Ganzebloem
De Ganzebloem primary school is a spacious school in the Genoenhuis district of Geldrop. With expert and skilled professionals, we take care of your child’s growth and development in the broadest sense of the word. The children at De Ganzebloem are encouraged to grow in their strengths and weaknesses. Through shared responsibility (child, teacher and parents), together we realise this growth and promote children’s self-reliance. Providing a safe environment is a prerequisite for this.

We welcome an increasing number of international parents and their children at De Ganzebloem, allowing us to get to know more and more different cultures together.

You can register your child via the contact page on our website.

When your child is 4 or 5 years old, he/she will start in group 1 or 2 of our primary school. When your child is older, we will first refer you for a year of intensive language class, so that your child can adequately follow our Dutch-language education in one of our groups.

* the website is in Dutch. If you would like more information about this school, please contact us via 040 – 2802217 or

Global College Eindhoven- a Newcomer school

The main purpose of Global College Eindhoven (school for Newcomer education, also called International Transition Class (ISK)) is to move 12- to 16-year-old students on to further education such as: vwo, havo, mbo, vmbo and practical education.

This is a form of education – set up by the Dutch government – to bridge the gap between education in the home country and education in the Netherlands.

Global College Eindhoven is one of the four schools for newcomer education in the Brainport region. The other 3 schools can be found in Bladel, in Helmond (both for 12 to 18-year-olds) and in Eindhoven (16+ student).

When starting at a newcomer school, including Global College Eindhoven, a thorough intake (trajectory) on the level of language proficiency and development potential is needed: What is the level of Dutch? What can this student handle? How do we prepare this pupil properly for Dutch education in terms of language, culture and development potential?

Global College Eindhoven provides tailor-made education and offers students, through daytime education and a full subject package, a good basis for their future at a regular Dutch school and in society.

The maximum length of stay at Global College Eindhoven is 2 years. Depending on the pupil’s development, it can be shorter. In any case, in principle, this pathway does not delay a pupil’s educational career. On the contrary: a route via Global College Eindhoven to one of the secondary schools accelerates rather than retards the student’s educational career. The intensive language and cultural training provided by a Newcomer School pays off handsomely. There is close cooperation with the secondary schools during the programme.

How do you get there?

Students enrol at Global College Eindhoven and from there go on to find a Dutch VO/MBO school.

It is also possible that enrolment takes place at a secondary school/MBO and that a student is advised to complete a Global College Eindhoven pathway before placement.

In both cases, the end of the pathway is supported by a development-oriented advice towards the secondary school and a smooth transfer.

Secondary education (VO, from 11 to 18 years)

SILFO has five different secondary school locations:

International School Eindhoven

If a student belongs to the group of expats and is staying in the Netherlands for a short time, registration and intake takes place through the Secondary International Department of the International School Eindhoven (ISE). The ISE offers English-language education aimed at the International Baccalaureate (IB), offering the IB-MYP programme (11-16 years) and the IB-DP programme (16-19 years). The ISE campus is distinguished by its strong focus on lifelong learning. The ISE charges a financial contribution and in return students receive an education programme that prepares them for a global future

Stedelijk College Eindhoven, location Henegouwenlaan

If a student is staying in the Netherlands for a longer period of time, Stedelijk College Eindhoven, location Henegouwenlaan offers a unique learning environment for children in a multilingual and international context. Here, the student’s home language is embraced when preparing for final exams and learning Dutch. The school is characterised by an open and respectful culture, where students quickly feel at home. In addition, the school offers high-quality education and personal attention to each student. De Henegouwenlaan trains for the Dutch diplomas Mavo, Havo and VWO (atheneum and gymnasium). After the intake, you may be advised to follow the Global College Eindoven route for a shorter or longer period of time to ensure that your Dutch language and cultural awareness are up to standard.

Stedelijk College Eindhoven, location Oude Bossche Baan

If a student is staying in the Netherlands for a longer period of time, Stedelijk College, location Oude Bossche Baan offers a nice learning environment for the internationally oriented VMBO student. There is a continuous learning line NT2 (Dutch as a second language) for language support. The Oude Bossche Baan is a culturally responsive school where students believe in their own abilities (self-efficacy). Much attention is paid to language-aware teaching. World citizenship and Internationalisation are self-evident themes within the school. The Oude Bossche Baan trains for the Dutch diplomas BBL, BBL Leertraject, KBL and Mavo. After the intake, you may be advised to follow the Global College Eindoven route for a shorter or longer period of time to ensure that your Dutch language and cultural awareness are up to standard.

* the website is in Dutch. If you would like more information about this school, please contact us via  040 – 264 5364 or

Strabrecht College Geldrop

If the student stays in the Netherlands for a longer period of time, Strabrecht College Geldrop offers a learning environment with a focus on Internationalisation. A school with a strong caring culture with a lot of attention to learning coaching and customisation for students, located just outside Eindhoven. Strabrecht College trains for the Dutch diplomas Mavo, Havo and VWO (atheneum and gymnasium). After the intake, you may be advised to follow the Global College Eindoven programme for a shorter or longer period to ensure that your Dutch language and cultural awareness are up to standard.

* the website is in Dutch. If you would like more information about this school, please contact us via  040 2867715 or